…of rules and regulations concerning the complimentary bag of biscuits available on a weekly basis to employees of the Huntley & Palmer Huyton Factory, 1958.
…of knitting, hat-patterns, Huntley & Palmer’s factory, biscuits, BISKITS, Victorian brickwork, water-powered flour mills and other glorious digressions.
The past few months have been manic. Since my PhD studies came to an end and my AHRC funding ran out, I am relying 100% on my own wits and skills to make an income. I am trading as a self-employed artist, which is not the fantastically high-paid profession that one might hope. However, I […]
To celebrate what has been an excellently grounding and sensible Messy Tuesday, I decided to make messy sheep biscuits for my packed lunch tomorrow. Unfortunately this creative spree lasted beyond midnight, making the sheep Messy Wednesdays Sheep rather than Messy Tuesdays Sheep. But I am sure you will think the lack of sleep worthwhile when […]
Some of my friends call Valentine’s day VD, which is always remeniscent (and deliberately so, I think) of Venereal Disease. Sexually transmitted diseases are just one of the hazards of falling in love; other consequences can include massive heartache when love goes wrong, the devastation of finding out The One is not The One and […]
Hurrah for the random Internet with which I am presently blessed. Since I haven’t lost the connection, I am going to write about cakes and biscuits as I have been thinking about them recently. Some of the Things that I moved to this home from my last include a (by now inedible) special-edition cake acquired […]