Posts Tagged ‘Domestic Soundscape’
Sonic work
Sonic work

…of sonic torpedoes, the singing wind, and the beauty of Victorian chimney pots.

31.14 miles: the A4074 walk part 1

I have written several times here about a project I’ve been developing that I’ve referred to as The A4074 project. The A4074 is a road that lies between Reading (where I live) and Oxford (where I work) and I drive it very often – sometimes 3 or 4 times a week. To make a conservative […]

Mending the pipes

You may remember the dripping faucet in my bedsit that inspired this artwork? Record the sound that keeps you awake at night, Felicity Ford, 2009, pillow, permanent ink, faucet stamp, pillow-speakers, CD player, audio recording of permanently looped dripping tap sound, title and basic concept taken from Learning to love you more by Miranda July […]

Productive day

The mics-on light in the BBC Oxford Studio Today has been a productive day. It began with editing my feature and packing up my Art Object for an hour of recording at the BBC Oxford studios. On Sunday at 9 – 10pm, on 95.2fm in Oxford or anywhere online live, you will be able to […]


The illicit broadband theft continues, so I am going to show you around while the door is open. I am amazed at the swift way that knitted cakes, dotty things, woollen joy and handmade wonderment have begun to consume my new environment. I wonder if my stuff breeds in the night to make more stuff, […]

Washing up recording #2 \_/* 06.01.08

This washing-up recording was made after lunch during the early afternoon. The food cooked involved some revision of a couple of scrawled-down curry recipes and it was cooked collaboratively and not just by me. The recipes involved peanuts, butternut squash, creamed-coconut and tinned sweetcorn. We decided that these foodstuffs would be economical and colourful, offering […]

Copyright statement

You may transmit content found on this website (excluding my knitting patterns which are protected under International copyright law) under the following conditions:

- You always attribute my work to me, Felicity Ford, including a link back to this site
- You do not alter my work
- You do not use my work for commercial purposes

To discuss any other uses of my work, please contact me directly on the telephone number and email address provided at the top of this blog.

Creative Commons License
All the work shown here by Felicity Ford is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

From time to time I feature images, sounds or words on this blog which are not my own: in all such cases the original copyright owner is named. International copyright law requires that in order to republish their content, you must seek out their permission.

Thank you for respecting these terms and conditions.

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