Last year around the end of October I created the stationery for my SOUND BANK project. To do this, I screenprinted SOUND BANK onto 365 glassine envelopes along with space for the date, a title and a record number. Then I created for each envelope a letterpress-printed card on which to record (by means of […]
When I was an undergraduate I did my first printing project using any real consideration of type. The printing involved making tickets for a performance I created called ‘Concert for a closed cinema.’ The concert comprised flute, accordion and voice lamenting the closure of an independant cinema in Dublin, in 3 movements. I based the […]
It is time to reveal the truth about the mystery blueness in the last post. You see Mark’s niece left some little mice here, last time she stayed with us. I found them all nesting under a pillow on our cornerseat: I quickly discovered that – being an adventurous bunch – they had ambitions to […]
At 3pm today, GMT, I will be on Radio 4’s Questions, Questions, talking about my washing up recordings. That is the BBC Reading flag, photographed at the studios on Tuesday, when I went over there to link up to Radio 4. At the end of this post I have put links to some of the […]