In the same weekend that involved the fishing trip, I also met with knitters at the First and Last Pub in Pembroke Dock, where I knew – courtesy of Brenda Dayne’s magnificent podcast – that people were gathering for some WWKIPD action*. It was great to meet Angie, Elizabeth, Angela and Andrew and to enjoy […]
The mics-on light in the BBC Oxford Studio Today has been a productive day. It began with editing my feature and packing up my Art Object for an hour of recording at the BBC Oxford studios. On Sunday at 9 – 10pm, on 95.2fm in Oxford or anywhere online live, you will be able to […]
A different language is a different reality; what is the language, the world, of stones? What is the language, the world, of birds? Of atoms? Of microbes? Of air? – Jeanette Winterson, Art Objects The images, interviews and sound clips that I collect will sound foreign; it’s noisy here, it’s big, and I think truly […]