Posts Tagged ‘Turn a Square’

This is another illicit, in-between-assessing-and-assignment-writing post, stolen in a twenty minute gap along with lunch – which is a tasty little egg sandwich. In the spirit of my current mode of operation, today’s subject is the pleasureful nature of the mindless, fast, gratifyingly instantaneous knitting project. I’m talking about the sort of knitting project that […]

FO: Wazz’s Woollen Winter Walking Outfit and Turn a Square pattern mashup

Two of my favourite patterns; Wazz’s Woollen Winter Walking Outfit #1 and Jared Flood’s Turn a Square pattern, mashed up into one happy hat of joy, to be given as a gift to my Grandad – who I hope does not know about my blog. If you *do* read this, Grand Pappy Wilf, Happy Birthday! […]

Feasel & the Bear

I am not sure when Mark started calling me Feasel* or when I started calling Mark Bear, but time has consolidated the myth of Feasel & the Bear into several drawings, many little stories, and finally, a piece of knitwear. Exhibit # 1 – a drawing by me Exhibit # 2 – a drawing by […]

FO: Mr Bump Inspired Double Knit Beanie

I present the completed Mr Bump-inspired*-double-knit-Beanie-Hat I made for Mark this year for Christmas. Ravelled here. A tantalising glimpse of the hat. Shamefully, I presented this article of clothing to Mark in an unknitted state on Christmas morning, but I think I redeemed myself by completing it in time for the walking holiday. Beautifully wrapped […]

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You may transmit content found on this website (excluding my knitting patterns which are protected under International copyright law) under the following conditions:

- You always attribute my work to me, Felicity Ford, including a link back to this site
- You do not alter my work
- You do not use my work for commercial purposes

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All the work shown here by Felicity Ford is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

From time to time I feature images, sounds or words on this blog which are not my own: in all such cases the original copyright owner is named. International copyright law requires that in order to republish their content, you must seek out their permission.

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