Posts Tagged ‘walk 2012’
Walk 2012
Walk 2012

…of walking 187 miles over 12 days, as documented on 2 (incredibly light) disposable cameras.

Walk 2012 guidebook writing
Walk 2012 guidebook writing

…of Autumnal treasure, form and function, and the process of designing the Walk 2012 guidebook.

Music Lover’s Field Companion
Music Lover's Field Companion

…of John Cage, mycology, mushroom spotting, wandering in The New Forest with my beloved, and getting rained on.

Walk2012 and the new badgemaker!
Walk2012 and the new badgemaker!

…of walking, recording cows, making badges, meeting beasties, and Walk2012.

Listening in on the walk!

I experimented with posting a sound and pictures account over on the 2012 walk blog, but if you fancy listening to our short audio logs from the three days, they are here. I have been very inspired by the inimitable Ramblings programme, created for Radio 4 by Clare Balding and I want to work on […]

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You may transmit content found on this website (excluding my knitting patterns which are protected under International copyright law) under the following conditions:

- You always attribute my work to me, Felicity Ford, including a link back to this site
- You do not alter my work
- You do not use my work for commercial purposes

To discuss any other uses of my work, please contact me directly on the telephone number and email address provided at the top of this blog.

Creative Commons License
All the work shown here by Felicity Ford is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

From time to time I feature images, sounds or words on this blog which are not my own: in all such cases the original copyright owner is named. International copyright law requires that in order to republish their content, you must seek out their permission.

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