ETA: it is much harder to blog from the phone than I thought, so itinerant broadcasting creativity will have to be confined to audioboo and posterous for now. Still, I decided to add in the photos and sort out this post from the easy interface of my laptop… much simpler all round and still contains awesome lofi phone images.
This is a post from my new phone containing simply a selection of happy things from today! First of all, gorgeous new tweed skirt: I LOVE THIS SKIRT! I started it a few weeks ago in Donegal Tweed, and it is made up according to VOGUE pattern V8424. I wrote about it here.
Secondly, Lyttelton by Kate Davies – an awesome knitting pattern that I am thoroughly enjoying. I have divided for the arms and am working on it like a fiend in between marking student assignments, making gnocchi, and playing with my new shiny toy*.
*please to forgive me for the HTC mania. I promise to be over it by Monday. It’s just an incredible novelty to me to have Internets in my pocket, and to be able to do such marvellous things as make a sonic address book etc. etc. but for now, it seems that blogging by HTC will have to be done in words only as the images thing doesn’t really work.