This is the sound of sausages frying. I recorded this sound for the Sonic Wallpaper version of BADDA 4774.
I have found that I can secure my tiny binaural microphones onto a wooden spatula and therefore get them very close to the source of the action! Sausages produce an incredible sound when you are frying them; the pressure of the water inside the skins heating up creates that distinctive sizzling sound.
I also used the sound of an egg frying in this Sonic Wallpaper piece – it’s interesting to me that the frying sounds, though similar, are distinct from one another.
All of this reminds me of the Sonic Breakfast Plate I created some years ago, for celebrating the sounds of a cooked breakfast. It doesn’t look anything like BADDA 4774 but there is some similarity perhaps in both the exuberance of the design, and its culinary references.
The Sonic Breakfast Plate, Felicity Ford, 2009
I have one copy of the Sonic Wallpapers book to give to someone who would like to have a domestic listening experience for themselves! The book has all 18 wallpaper designs from the MoDA collection used in this project, and a CD in the back which contains all the sound pieces. There are introductions both by myself and Zoe Hendon who is the curator of MoDA, and notes on what people said, and what sounds were recorded, for each wallpaper included in the project.
Sonic Wallpapers CD
To win a copy of the book, you just need to leave a comment on this post: -> about a wallpaper that you remember from your life, and one sound you recall from the room where that wallpaper was. If you cannot think of a wallpaper design and a sound, you could also leave one thought/response you have to this project. On 24th December, I will draw a number at random and post out a copy of the book to the winner!
2 Responses to Sausages – 16 December