I made a book

Several months ago I started a really exciting adventure.

With the support and funding of 447 Kickstarter backers I began work on the KNITSONIK Stranded Colourwork Sourcebook – a book about translating everyday inspirations into stranded colourwork.

I am happy to say that this book has now been published! The publisher (that’s me) is officially listed as KNITSONIK, and the physical book was printed by Williams Press in Berkshire.


The KNITSONIK Stranded Colourwork Sourcebook contains many things, including knitted fruitcake…


…suggestions for picking palettes based on things you love…


…drawings and notes that reveal how patterns for stranded colourwork can be found in anything (even in other pieces of knitting)…


…big photos of the 12 swatches produced for the book, with notes exploring the different shading experiments contained in each one…


…and patterns for making accessories based on the things you love.


You can get your very own copy of the KNITSONIK Stranded Colourwork Sourcebook here in my online shop; it is 104 pages long and costs £18.99 + shipping.

If you are one of the amazing backers who made this all possible, your book is going in the post today or tomorrow so you should have it very soon!

Thank you for stopping by,

11 Responses to I made a book

  1. Pingback: A Visit to Sanquhar | tomofholland

  2. Pingback: Silkworms: a tale of provenance | Wovember

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