Greetings from the pond


We are Honey, Bonbon and Pretzel – new additions to the household and to the domestic soundscape of our human carer-owner people.

Our main noises involve quacking, wing-flapping, and chattering amongst ourselves in duck, which is a very special language to those of you who have not heard it. We are very busy most of the time rootling in the grass with our bills and fending off the horrible mangy one they call “Joey” and “bad cat”.


What we MOSTLY like doing is MAKING MESS.

It is amazing that with a few simple ingredients – mud, water, sand, straw, layer-pellets and feathers – we can turn several squared metres of earth into an instant muck pit, which is just what we like to live in.

Would you like to see us each individually?


I am Bonbon. I was the bravest one when it came to POND. POND was built by the human carer-owner people but we were not at all sure about it. We looked at POND. I especially looked at POND. I even went up the edge a few times and dipped my bill in. Eventually I pursuaded the others to have a go too, and now we spend hours and hours and hours in POND, splashing around in it and MAKING MESS.


I am Honey. I am slightly older than my other comrades, and as you can see, my feathers are a nice caramel colour. I do like to fluff them up and am a bit more relaxed than Bonbon and Pretzel; with age comes wisdom, I say. I like selecting a nice spot in the grass in which to recline and leading the others towards it.


I am Pretzel. I am the smallest of us three and I have speckles on my feathers which look like the salty crystals on a nice big tasty Pretzel. A drake at the farm on which we formerly lived has pecked me so some of my wing feathers need to grow back, but I quite enjoy my scruffy appearance and feel myself to be the urchin of this gang. When I am not getting enough attention I find it is a good idea to peck Honey and Bonbon on their backs and ruffle myself in their personal space.

The human owner-carer person that is called Felix seems to have a soft spot for me, even though she says that she doesn’t have favourites when it comes to us ducks.

We do not care to lay any eggs just yet for it has been rather upsetting relocating from our nice farm in Southampton to this garden which is, we have to say, JUST CRAWLING WITH OVER-INTERESTED CATS, but we do like our pond, our little wooden house feels nice and secure at night, and overall we think that in time we will do just fine here.

We are also looking forward to having our ducky sounds highlighted on the KNITSONIK podcast, as we feel the world needs to hear MORE DUCK.

Lovely to meet you, now if you’ll excuse us, we have MESS TO MAKE and some SPLASHING TO DO.

xxx THE DUCKS xxx


8 Responses to Greetings from the pond

  1. Pingback: KNITSONIK 10 – EDDIE, my beloved digital sound recorder (Part 3) » KNITSONIK

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