
I have had a long-standing and largely unfounded fear of The Mixing Desk that has prevented me from learning to use one since the start of my soundart career. This weekend that fear was well and truly conquered and I am sold on the live-mixing of sounds as an amazing way to organise and present field-recordings to audiences.

This is what my workdesk today and yesterday looked like.

Thanks to Janek Schaefer for steering the weekend workshop so adroitly through many areas of sonic experimentation, to the ever amazing Tim Hand of OCM for the lend of an infinitely useful Yamaha MW10C mixing desk, Tom for bringing such sonorous objects (old boat chains and watering cans) to the event for us to play with, and to the man in the collector’s shop in the Harris Arcade for introducing me to the exciting records available for purchase in your wondrous shoppe of dreams.

Tomorrow I shall turn the dining table in Mark’s house into an enormous sonic playstation and spend the entire day mixing sounds live until my ears are aglow, and then I shall upload the results here for your delight and delectation. And I will write more about The Mixing Desk and the world of live mixing.

2 Responses to Geekery

  1. Pingback: The Domestic Soundscape » Blog Archive » Gentle Fire

  2. Pingback: Felicity Ford on performing Alvin Lucier’s Gentle Fire «

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