Monday was a day of little luxuries and large pleasures. This involved a slice of the fruity tea brack I made at the weekend, two hot chocolate options sachets enjoyed from the amazing ‘I am not a paper cup’ beaker of dreams, some marshmallows, lip-salve, and further enjoyment of the woolly comforts that are my […]
At the moment, I am all about greys and silvers. Grey is all I want to knit with, (Icelandic Lopi, unspun) all I want to read about, (The Sea Road by Margaret Elphinstone; lots of descriptions of icy, cold, grey landscapes) all I want to sew with, (slate grey and silver-white Donegal tweed that I’ve […]
2 For some reason, there are often 2 ducks to be seen around the University campus at Brookes. I love sighting these ducks almost as much as I like seeing the squirrels. The squirrels go beserk in Autumn, stashing every edible nom they can find in a frenetic way and seeing each other off with […]
90 seconds I am loving the 90 second long recordings that Paul is putting up on the sound diaries website as part of his 90″ project… it is a nice length of time, 90 seconds… just long enough to get into listening but not too long, either. £5.11 This is the price of a shade […]
I got back from Edinburgh to discover that my bank have cancelled my overdraft facility. This is good on one hand as it means I am not constantly living in overdraft mode; however it is also bad as it means I have far less money this month than I was budgeting for. The situation is […]