Here’s what’s on my FUNLIST this week;
a mostly-ticked off list, which is full of the sounds I need to record whilst here in Wales, staying with Brenda and Tonia and their adorable animals. The sounds relate to the project Brenda talked about in her last podcast;
Jasper in Brenda’s knitting basket;
keeping busy and drinking plenty of coffee;
working days which begin with setting up microphones in the forest, to record the birdsong and the wind rustling in the ivy;
walking in the funshine listening to the waves in sonic high definition;
cream crackers made with actual cream and a LOT of salt;
hand-painted biscuity yarn, yellowed up nicely with turmeric, carrot tops and onion skins;
corn-dollies at the Museum for English Rural Life;
US campfire beads. Apparently the yellow ones are for business tasks and the red one is for sport;
UK Girl Guide badges for knit-bloggers;
the Land Ladies exhibition at MERL;*
smoked kippers from one of the only traditional smoke houses in Britain – Botham’s of Whitby – a topical, generous and joy-filled TREAT last week from fabulous Kate along with “Resolution Tea” and “Tea Biscuits,” they came wrapped in newspaper and crispy sheets of green tissue paper evoking Summer and campfires to come;
looking at all the printed milk bottles in MERL… I just love the 2 colour designs and all the bakerly references;
sunsets near bird-filled trees and days without rain;
especially days without rain.
What’s on YOUR funlist?
*the figure on this “Land Girl” flier from the 1940s is rocking the look I’ll be trying to cultivate this year I think.
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