More walking and listening

I stayed in Sussex last week with Julia and spent the days mostly marching around on the South Downs and in the Romney Marshes. This activity has given me some much needed high quality sleep, plenty of fresh air and a lovely sense of vitality that has been somewhat missing from previous, less active weeks. I love the ache of tired leg muscles and the thudding of my heart in my chest as I make the last few stretches along a steep ascent. The views around Ditchling Beacon are amazing, especially in the early morning light, and the crunch of the frosty grass underfoot is very pleasing.

Impressive beasts roam on the hilltops around Ditchling. I am nearly always suspicious of cows and suspect them of hatching evil, genius plans (especially ones that involve me getting crushed under their large hooves.) But I met with another walker when at this stage of the walk and he showed such fearlessness in the presence of the mighty bovines that I was inspired to walk amongst them without my normal sense of mild panic. I have been learning, actually, from Joey the cat, that animals dislike the Direct Stare. Joey has been much happier with me since I have begun regarding him peripherally and the cows I met whilst out walking seemed less bothered by my nonchalent sideways glances than they have been in the past by my scrutinising stare (is it going to charge at me?)

Walking between Icklesham and Winchelsea around Rye, I spotted some beautiful trees though I fear the apples on the second photo have been ruined by the frosts.

The Romney Marshes offer spectactularly bleak and atmospheric walking.

Camber sands is still my favourite beach in the world, especially in Winter when most traces of civilisation are shut and the place feels wild and abandoned.

I took my recorder with me on all the walks but found that mostly what I got to hear was peace and quiet, which is difficult to record.

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