Yesterday was spent in York. This choice of city was largely inspired by reading about Duttons and Betty’s tea shop a little while back. You must go!
Amazing, brassica-inspired Betty’s tea-shop confection.
Buttons at Duttons.
It’s all just so good. It was wondrous to visit the teashop and eat cauliflower-shaped marzipan-covered cakes, to rummage through the veritable Aladdin’s cave that is Duttons, to partake of the fine ales available in York, and best of all, to hang out with the incomparably magnificent Kate.
I didn’t take this photo in York; this was taken during a previous adventure. It’s hard to get photos of Kate without a camera in her hands because she takes a lot of photos. Amazing photos.
Yesterday’s adventures involved a lot of me finishing off my Shalom cardigan, and Kate photographing this process.
Once the cardigan was completed and on me, we found some blossom which I may have frolicked in with Monkl.
…there was other, joyous FO posing and silly shape-throwing, enhanced massively by our shared excitement about the garment completion taking place in the pub garden.
I love my new cardigan very much. It is knit in Tait and Style 100% wool slubby yarn that I purchased in Prick Your Finger and it knit up very fast on 6.5mm needles in spite of 2 inattentive evenings of knitting resulting in a lot of ripping out (and cursing) between casting on last Friday and finishing it yesterday. I fell in love with the Shalom cardigan when I first saw it popping up on Ravelry but I knew that I’d need to modify it for it to work with my shape, hence the 4 buttons rather than one, the larger gauge, the three-quarter length sleeves and the longer body. It’s such a brilliant pattern. For help with the sleeves, I turned to Knittingnonstop’s very helpful blog post detailing the mods she made to Shalom. I followed her mods until it came to the sleeves. I didn’t go all the way to the wrist and I flared mine slightly just after the elbow to match the nice shaping on the bottom part of the cardigan.
Project details:
Pattern – Shalom by Meghan Mcfarlane of Involving the Senses
Yarn – 500g Tait and Style 100% wool, slubby in Dusty Blue, purchased at Prick Your Finger in London
Invaluable assistance with counting rows and stitches kindly provided by Ruth and Phil last Sunday
Needles – 6.5mm I think?
Ravelled – here
Photos – © Kate Davies
April 25, 2009 | Filed under clothes, knitting, Making and tagged with Betty's tea shop, blossom, buttons, clothes, Duttons, frolicking, Kate Davies.
Tags: Betty's tea shop, blossom, buttons, clothes, Duttons, frolicking, Kate Davies
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